Best Practices for Software Architecture in Hardware Companies

In today's app-store-driven business environment, many traditional hardware companies find themselves in a position where their hardware products, which were once the essence of the business, are now ...

Software Modularity

Modular programming has been around since the 60s and is a foundation of any good software architecture. Across many industries that were once hardware-dominated, software architecture is surfacing as...

Improve your Software Architecture by Code Refactoring, Not Rewriting

In a previous blog post, From a Hardware-First to a Software-First Business, I described how you can benefit from starting software architecture early when developing a modular product platform, inste...

What is Optimal Product Complexity?

The Pain of Product Complexity Pain, although unpleasant, is your body’s way of signaling to your brain that something is not right. Your brain can then figure out what to do in response to avoid furt...

Restructuring the Product Master for One-Touch Product Configuration

One-Touch Product Configuration is the concept of having an automatic chain of events from a sales opportunity until the delivery of a product, unbroken by manual intervention. It can be viewed as a d...

Product Master and BOM Structure for Product Configuration

This is the fourth chapter in a series of blogs on End-to-End Product Configuration. To get the full background, you can read the first blog here: What is End-to-End Product Configuration? the second ...

Enterprise Architecture for End-to-End Product Configuration

This is the third chapter in a series of blogs on End-to-End Product Configuration. To get the full background, you can find the first blog here: What is End-to-End Product Configuration? and the seco...

Is Product Configuration for Everyone?

Consumers and businesses alike buy products in different ways. Depending on their need for customization and the expectations on price and delivery time, the market approach of the seller can range fr...