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Designed for Disruption

Rethinking Our Product Lines and Their Supply Chains

In this webinar TRANSPLACE an Uber Freight CompanyThe Manufacturers Alliance, and Modular Management experts shared what the past two years have taught us about the global supply chain’s fragility and how this is linked to the product portfolio’s structure.

In this panel discussion, you will hear the top supply network issues every organization is facing globally, how they have reacted to these problems, and proactive measures your organization can take to create a more robust supply chain. You will also see how to align your product portfolio and its global supply chain to minimize disruptions and thrive in the “new normal”.

What you will learn

  • The top global logistic network challenges every organization is facing
  • The root causes and more subtle underlying trends driving today’s inflationary and unstable environment
  • Proactive measures your organization can take to create a stable, inflation resistant, and robust supply chain for your product lines

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