Creating Your Product Portfolio's Digital Thread

Using a Modular Product Architecture

Your company has invested tens of millions in enterprise IT systems with the promise of transparency, availability, and speed, but your business functions are still speaking different languages in their CRM, ERP, PLM and CAD platforms.

Create and manage your product portfolio’s information in a structured and meaningful way that will greatly improve the clarity of communication among stakeholders. Your team and business will thrive from having a connected and coherent structure that will not need PowerPoint and Excel extractions to share content and drive decisions.  The resulting Architecture Information Model you create will speak a common language that everyone can understand, from the board room to the shop floor.

You will learn how to:

  • Create a digital thread that seamlessly connects all functions around your modular product architecture
  • Break dependencies on monolithic enterprise systems that require IT and super users to operate and maintain
  • Build a rich flow of product portfolio information between functions that doesn’t need to be extracted and translated

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