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Hank Marcy


I am passionate about applying brand, product, and supply chain architectures within a company to drive outstanding business results.

Hank Marcy


I am passionate about applying brand, product, and supply chain architectures within a company to drive outstanding business results.


"Architecture is an enabler of greatness for a company. I think of architecture as an enabler of greatness for individuals as well."

First, Please Introduce Yourself

Hi - I am Hank Marcy, and I lead the Industry Practice effort focused on Consumer and Home Appliances companies at Modular Management. I live in New Hampshire with my wife, son, and mother-in-law. My daughter lives and works in Chicago. We moved to a small town in New England from Tokyo, where we had lived for nearly five years while working for Johnson Controls. I enjoy walking, hiking, skiing, sailing, and collecting Italian wine.

Which are the Main Challenges Facing Business and Industry Today?

Businesses are facing more challenges over shorter time frames than ever before. Growth, improved margins, being sustainable as a company, and finding the right talent are all common challenges facing businesses today. On top of that, the relentless push to be more efficient, to make data-based decisions, and the ability to get data on so many items and topics make leading and running companies today a big challenge.

How to do More with Less?

As an engineering leader, this question was on my mind nearly daily. There is continuous pressure to identify the most critical and valuable outcomes and tasks through the noise. It is easy to lose sight of the big picture and spend time on lower-value outcomes. Looking for new tools, and especially new and more efficient ways of working, is a path to finding higher productivity and thereby being able to do more with the same or fewer resources than before.

Your Advice to Companies?

Listen to your people. They often know what is and isn’t working and why. Look for game changers, like product architecture, and lean into the leadership and work required to implement them and make them part of your company’s culture and operating system. This is how a competitive advantage is built.

What are Your Personal or Professional Drivers?

I trust people first. I like having direct, open, and transparent relationships with people. I enjoy getting to know and working with people from all over the world. I like learning new things and building new capabilities for myself and companies. 

What Surprises You?

I am very intrigued by the capabilities of the A.I. tools that are emerging all around us. It is an incredible tool to learn something new and create or analyze old content.

Fun Personal Facts or What Do You Like to Do in Your Spare Time?

My wife and I walk 3-4 miles daily on the dirt roads in our wooded neighborhood in the sun, rain, or snow. It is an excellent way to connect and recharge, and I like being out in nature and seeing the deer, bears, turkeys, birds, and other animals around our area. We also like to hike, ski, and sail, and I have enjoyed collecting red Italian wines for many years. Additionally, I started playing the piano last year and can play about 200 different pop songs so far. 

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Hank Marcy

Chief Account Executive