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Marie Gasiglia


Marie is based in Paris and likes solving problems without creating new ones.

Marie Gasiglia


Marie is based in Paris and likes solving problems without creating new ones.


"We need to be happy in life. Don’t create problems. Solve them."

I like the way we work in projects, not recurring activities. By doing this we’re able to face new challenges and support different companies. We always start with a new situation and the need to innovate. 

Another professional driver for me is to work with people I respect and use communication to create a connection. We’re always stronger together.

One example of this is an international company I’ve worked with. They have three interlinked, yet separate businesses in the US, Switzerland and Sweden. For various reasons, they’d never worked that closely together before, so it was extra important to create a good team spirit. It took a while in the beginning to share information, including design rules, but by the end of the program the atmosphere was really enthusiastic. We all understood what could be gained through cooperation.

Another interesting success factor is contact with the program manager. My role is not to replace her or him, but to support, try to answer questions, and share experience on how to manage and develop modular product architectures. My role is a bit like a teacher’s – to train, support and share advice, so people can work well by themselves.

I like to use transparent communication to avoid conflicts and build a good atmosphere. As soon as something is unclear, it’s usually best to put the question on the table, with respect, and have an honest discussion. Mutual respect means working for the good of the company, and conflict doesn’t help.

We need to be happy in life. Don’t create problems. Solve them.

Marie Gasiglia

Marie Gasiglia


Customers want innovative products, fast. Companies want to make customers happy and be 21st century lean. So how does all that work? Modular Management delivers clarity, performance and customer centricity so clients can reduce complexity and accelerate value creation.