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Transitioning from Customization to Configuration—Optimize the Product Portfolio

May  29th, 2024 | 09:00-10.00 CST | 16:00-17:00 CET

As companies embark on their modularization journey, they often discover that their new product architecture is more resilient and capable than anticipated. A modular architecture offers a scalable way to expand the product portfolio, enabling endless configuration possibilities while maintaining a standard construction protocol on the factory floor.

This strategic shift empowers our clients to better meet their customers' needs, enhancing the standardization of products offered and sold. It ensures that truly custom orders receive the detailed attention they deserve.

Register for our webinar to learn:

  • How integrating a product architecture with the new PALMA Configurator application can broaden your product portfolio
  • Implementing a seamless digital thread from product innovation through sales execution to production

Register now to learn how to optimize your product portfolio better while meeting your customers' needs with a configuration-to-order approach. 

Register here