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How to Organize and Operate for Efficient Development

What is this webinar about? 

Are you looking for ways to improve your Engineering team’s efficiency and release resources for more innovative and creative projects? We have some ideas to share

In the first part of this webinar series, we looked at some common situations and root causes of inefficient product development.

In part two we will explain and exemplify how to organize and operate for efficient development of hardware and software products.  Including different aspects of how your product architecture supports efficient development.

This will give you inspiration and practical paths forward to empower your conversation with your CEO on how to get your engineering team to work smarter and innovate faster.

What you will learn: 

  • Understand different operating models for efficient development programs
  • How successful companies have improved development team efficiency by 30-50%

This webinar is helpful for someone who 

  • Is struggling with resource shortages and project delays
  • Leads and/or works within New Product Development in your organization


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