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SEPTEMBER 14TH | 10:00-11.00 CST | 17:00-18:00 CEST

Welcome to join our interactive webinar! The webinar will give you insight and inspiration on the topic and the opportunity to ask questions to our speaker live and via our chat. 

Sustainable value creation comes from a systematic approach to achieving optimal product complexity. Product rationalization is a short-term fix to reduce the pain of complexity; and component standardization on its own often produces very limited results. Modular Product Architecture is the strategic means to deliver external variety valued by the market while managing the internal complexity which would otherwise burden the organization.

This systematic approach is most effective and efficient when supported by methods and tools that are designed for this purpose. But more importantly, success is achieved by a company’s commitment to a journey of transformation.

You will learn about: 

  • What are the key steps along this journey
  • How each step on the path builds value
  • Why companies fail to sustain the value

Throughout our 25-year history, Modular Management has led many companies along this journey and have developed a proven path to sustainable value creation. Understanding how to achieve and sustain value of optimal product complexity based upon this strategic approach will help you plan your successful journey.

This webinar is helpful for someone who 

  • Learn more about the path to achieving optimal complexity
  • Understand how it is more than an engineering exercise


Luther Johnson Luther Johnson modular management

President of Modular Management North America is passionate about the value that can be created from a strategic approach to product structure as means to win the complexity game.  He has guided many companies along this journey since 2004. 


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