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Is Product Configuration for Everyone?

Consumers and businesses alike buy products in different ways. Depending on their need for customization and the expectations on price and delivery time, the market approach of the seller can range fr...

Design Automation for Configurable Products

For businesses selling complex, customized solutions, end-to-end product configuration is an approach that can drastically reduce cost and lead-time while improving quality. However, for products that...

What is End-to-End Product Configuration?

This is the first blog in a series of four blogs on the topic of end-to end product configuration. At the end of this blog you will find the links to the other 3. In the modern information society, co...

Secrets Behind Successful Product Configuration

Sell More, Faster, With Less Effort! Henry Ford once said, "Any customer can have a car painted any color that he wants as long as it is black." What was once a fundamental enabler for industrializati...

Evaluation of Online Product Configurators

Are Online Product Configurators of Today Delivering on the Value Promise of Increasing Sales Effectiveness? In an earlier blog post, Alex Ginsburg discussed the importance of understanding customer n...

How to Improve Productivity in the Construction Industry?

Although there have been multiple phases of industrialization, these changes have had varying degrees of success. And despite efficiency gains, the construction industry remains relatively traditional...

Examples of Product Configurators and the Importance of Guided Selling

INTRODUCTION In this post Alex Ginsburg, senior specialist with more than 25 years of experience in the field of modularization and configuration, will share his personal experience when going out on ...